Berlin Vision 2033
There are so many fantastic initiatives, complex projects, future planning in the city – GICA, EXPO 2035, Olimpia 2036, and Stiftung Zukunft Berlin is also working in this direction – just to mention some of them. Still we at Wahlheymat have the feeling, if you ask anyone about the Vision of Berlin – no-one has an exact answer. So we will create our 10 years vision and will discuss with our broad community.
Wahlheymat Talks
Monthly, interactive gathering for our community. We invite guests from our ecosystem (politics, civil sector, business).
BeBe Platform / App
To make Berlin easily accessible.
In a cooperation with CitizenLab, that is a perfect platform of constant research and understanding of citizen’s needs, empowering everyone to participate in society.
Run by Migrant sticker campaign
We will talk about cooperation with different initiatives in the next weeks and months and we believe in the spring we can launch the program.