Diverse Voices Tell The Complete Truth

Berlin is our home. The one we chose. Our second base. Clearly, we care about it just as much as – if not more than – the one we were born into. And caring is the rocket fuel of change!

We are on a mission to create a Berlin where everyone can feel at home. Where everyone feels respected, heard and equal. Regardless of their passport of origin.

And we’re not the only ones who share this premise: The German Constitution says, “No person shall be favored or disfavored because of sex, parentage, race, language, homeland and origin, faith or religious or political opinions.” (I./3)

The Wahlheymat Manifesto

With more than a third of its citizens coming from 190 countries, Berlin is the true definition of tolerance, resilience and a variety of voices. The city of infinite possibilities, where walls have fallen, systems were broken and history was written. Our goal is to make the next chapter of her (hi)story as diverse and inclusive as its community – both native and newcomer.

1. Strengthening small communities

2. Activate citizens

3. The language of inclusivity

4. Direct and digital

5. Live together, lead together

6. Act now

Change of action today might only manifest in some time from now. But the earlier we start, the faster the impact.